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UserWarning: Matplotlib is currently using agg, which is a non-GUI backend, so cannot show the figure.

Use below command to resolve problem pip3 install PyQt5

Run C/C++ code in VSCode

 How to run C/C++ code in VSCode(Visiual Studio Code) :

Step - 1 :Download VSCode from given link below


Step -2 :Install VSCode after downloading

Step -3 :Install C/C++ extension in VSCode as follow

               i.)Click on "Extension" button

               ii)Type C/C++ in search bar and install first one ,see below image

Step -4 :Download "MinGW(Minimalist GNU Windows)" software from below link as follow

              i) Go to  " "

             ii)Click on "Downloads" option as follow

                iii)Click on given image  to download MinGW software

                iv)After Installation of MinGW software install other 2-component as follow
                             a.)Select below 2-component & click on Mark for Installation
                                      mingw32 base bin
                                      mingw32-gcc-g++ (Compiler)

                             b.)Go to Installation option and then click on Apply Changes  and click on  "Apply"  button                                                 

                             c.)It twill takes some time based on Internet speed and installed comnent

                 v)Keep path for MinGW software in Your Computer    



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I used other good answers from here and didn't solve the problem (Ubuntu 18.04, Python3.8), still get this warning. Actually there is one more package is needed to be installed to solve the problem: sudo apt-get install lzma So the whole pipeline (run in the python source code folder): sudo apt-get install liblzma-dev sudo apt-get install lzma ./configure --enable-optimizations sudo make sudo make altinstall